
Recently, a suffix called “maxxing” has been thrown around the internet. Basically, whenever this term is put at the end of a concept word (usually an adjective), it means taking that concept to the extreme. An example of this is a newly invented internet slang: “looksmaxxing” which means to maximize one’s own physical attractiveness.

Any word can be put before this suffix to show how it can be done to the extreme. That being said, let me introduce you to a word I invented called “Lukachmaxxing.”

What is Lukachmaxxing, and why would I ever want to “Mark Lukach” to the max? Well, despite how corny it sounds, “Lukachmaxxing” might change your perspective on life.

I invented the term last year when the school dishwasher exploded and everyone had to stand out in the rain for the fire drill. We all got hungry while waiting for pizza to arrive because lunch couldn't be served.

Mark Lukach was teaching our World Lit class back then and we all sat together in the cramped Self and Others classroom where the doors didn’t work properly and half of the blinds looked like they were chewed by some rabid animal.

Complaints were passed around. One person argued that Dairy Queen should be ordered. I specifically remember staring at the gigantic “GET MORE SLEEP” sign  on the wall, and thinking about calling my dad to get me McDonalds.

Mark, however, was somehow super hyped about the whole ordeal.

“This is so cool, guys!” he said, with the type of enthusiasm that only exists in cartoons. “The dishwasher caught on fire, it's pouring outside, and we’re all together. Today is exciting.” And then he slapped the table, probably, he did that a lot.

At first, his excitement was received rather poorly. We sat there awkwardly, not knowing how to react to our teacher being so happy about our million dollar dishwasher exploding.

Then, someone chuckled. We started enjoying how funny he was being about our million dollar dishwasher exploding. The awkward feeling died down and people began raising their hands to agree with him.

At first we were mainly agreeing about how unexpected this whole ordeal was, but soon the cynical commenting turned into laughter. A situation that would’ve caused a lot more complaining actually turned into a good bonding experience for everyone.

This was one of the first times I truly got to understand Mark Lukach and what he stood for. Because of his hype, we began to get hyped as well and we began to understand why he was hyped. I couldn't put into words the reason until now. It was because we were going through an inconvenience together and we were bonding because of it.

That’s what I mean by “Lukachmaxxing.” It happens when one is able to look at an inconvenience differently, seeing past the annoyances, and transforming the inconvenience into a bonding experience. Like when the power goes out in your house and the WiFi stops working, the computers are going to lose power, and it’s too dark to read, but then, someone brings out the candles and you spend the rest of the outage playing Uno because you all realize that in this one moment, you're all feeling the same annoyance over the same thing and you get to bond with each other over this feeling and eventually turn this problem into a fun socializing experience.

I find myself using this word a lot in my head whenever I'm faced with a problem but somehow I feel like everything's going to be okay because I'm facing it together with someone else.


Athenian Must Stop Wiping!