Ask Athena
Ask Athena answers questions submitted anonymously by students. Do you need advice about recent TV series, school-related struggles, or how much credit you get in a certain class? Your questions will be answered by the mysterious and completely anonymous writer behind The Pillar’s own advice column. Athena is here to answer your burning questions!
Q: How many credits do I get for being in Theatre Tech? It's never clear from year to year.
A: According to Upper School Director of Studies Gabe del Real, taking Theatre Tech provides .25 Pass/Fail credits every semester. The course is not UC approved and doesn’t satisfy Athenian’s graduation requirements for the arts.
Q: What's your opinion on the latest Percy Jackson show on Disney Plus? Not feeling so hot about abandoning Annabeth?
A: The new Percy Jackson series was well-made overall. Although it skipped over some parts from the books, this was somewhat expected because TV series often exclude content. The special effects for the monsters were quite good, especially for Medusa. As someone who read the books, it was an entertaining and worthwhile adaptation to watch. [Spoiler alert: Don’t worry about Annabeth, she finds her way back to Camp Half-Blood.]
Q: What is the best way to react to provocative views?
A: Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Some may be challenging and present something you disagree with. However, you should try to stay calm and ask questions to find out more about their point of view. Why do they think what they think? Try to remain open minded and learn more about other opinions while sharing your own.
Q: I am in the tenth grade and am really sad because a lot of kids say mean things about other kids in our class. I am not sure what to say when I hear people say mean things. Do you have advice?
A: I’m very sorry to hear this. It can always be upsetting to hear your own classmates talking badly about other people, and even harder to speak up. If you’ve heard things that could lead to dangerous outcomes, please tell a trusted friend or adult. However, when these comments aren’t directly threatening, it can often be difficult to know what to do. I’d keep two things in mind: first, try to model the kindness you wish to see in others by not going along with these remarks. Second, remember that you can call someone out about these comments without starting a fight. If someone says something mean about a classmate, you could say, “well I’m sure they have a lot going on.” There are ways to create positive change without arguing.
Q: Does meatless Monday lead to malnourishment?
A. The classic meatless monday debate returns. I remember back in ancient Greece people were fighting about this! Rest assured, Athenian’s meatless Monday meals are designed to be nourishing. And if the main entree isn’t enough food, there’s always the salad bar, sandwich bar, and soup station! If 14 million vegetarian Americans can stay nourished without eating meat any day of the week, you can, too!